How to Get an Apostille in NY

Image of New York City in background with title of blog "How to get an apostille in NY" on it

Ever heard the term "apostille" and wondered what it meant? Have you been tasked with obtaining one for an important document but have no idea where to start? Don't worry, you're not alone! Navigating the world of apostilles can be confusing, especially in a state like New York. But fear not, intrepid traveler! This guide will be your trusty compass, helping you understand what apostilles are, why you might need one, and most importantly, how to get an apostille in New York, including the specific process for New York City.

So, What Exactly is an Apostille?

Think of an apostille as a fancy kind of official stamp. It's a certification issued by the state that verifies the authenticity of your document's signature and seal. In simpler terms, it assures foreign countries that the document you're presenting is genuine.

Why Do I Need an Apostille in New York?

You might need an apostille if you plan to use a New York-issued document abroad. This could be for various reasons, such as:

  • Marrying someone from another country

  • Applying for a work visa or study abroad program

  • Transferring educational transcripts to a foreign university

  • Doing business overseas

The Not-So-Secret Weapon: Knowing Your County

The process for obtaining an apostille in New York can vary slightly depending on the county where your document originated. Here's a breakdown of the general steps involved:

  1. Get Your Document Certified: The first step is to have your document certified by a local county clerk. This typically involves presenting a notarized document to the clerk and paying a fee.

  2. Head to the New York Department of State: Once your document is certified, it's time to visit the New York Department of State's office. You can find the application form and specific instructions on our website here.

  3. Prepare Yourself: Before you head to the Department of State, ensure you have all the necessary documents, including the completed application form, the certified document, a valid ID, and the processing fee (currently $10 per apostille).

  4. The Home Stretch: Depending on the office's workload, you might receive your apostille on the same day or within a few business days.

Apostille Adventures in New York City

New York City Skyline during sunset

For those residing in the Big Apple, the process has a slight twist. Here's what you need to know:

  1. County Clerk Authentication: The process for authenticating documents in New York is similar across counties. Typically, you'll visit the County Clerk's office where the notary who notarized your document is licensed. For example, a Brooklyn notary requires authentication by the Brooklyn County Clerk.

    However, some documents, like birth certificates issued within New York City, don't need notarization. Instead, you'll need a certified copy of the birth certificate and a certified Letter of Exemplification. With these two certified documents, you'd visit the New York City County Clerk's office in Manhattan for authentication.

  2. Department of State Visit: After authentication, head to the New York Department of State's New York City office located at 123 William Street. The remaining steps (application, fees, etc.) are similar to the general process.

Beyond the Basics: Special Considerations

While the above steps provide a general framework, here are some additional things to keep in mind:

  • Federal Documents: If your document is issued by the federal government (like a passport), you'll need to contact the U.S. Department of State for apostille services.

  • Research is Key: Before embarking on your apostille journey, it's crucial to research the specific requirements of the country you're dealing with. Some countries might have additional steps or have specific timelines for document submission.

Helping Hand Alert: Consider a Mobile Notary

Alisha's Mobile Notary Service work vehicle with magnets on the side of it, parked on a driveway

The process of obtaining an apostille can involve multiple steps and visits to different offices. If navigating this solo feels daunting, consider enlisting the help of a mobile notary service like Alisha's Mobile Notary Service. We can help with all of the steps from the notarizations to submitting the apostille to the state to returning the documents to you, saving you valuable time and ensuring your documents are properly prepared.

Remember: Don't be afraid to ask for help! County clerk offices and the Department of State have staff available to answer your questions and guide you through the process.

Taking the Mystery Out of NY Apostilles

With a little planning and this handy guide, obtaining an apostille in New York shouldn't be a cause for stress. Remember, the key steps involve getting your document certified by the county clerk, followed by a visit to the New York Department of State. For New York City residents, be mindful with the type of documentation you will need authenticated so that you will know which County Clerk’s office you’ll have to visit. By following these steps and considering the additional tips, you'll be well on your way to conquering the world of apostilles!


Need Help with Apostilles? Our Resources Are Here!


How to Obtain a Birth Certificate Apostille